Canadian Canyoning Association Infrastructure Fund
Anyone wishing to donate or have questions that are not answered below, please contact:
Purpose of the Fund
The Canadian Canyoning Association has developed a small Infrastructure Fund with two purposes:
1. To support existing canyoning opportunities by providing funds or resources to establish, develop, repair, clean, maintain or upgrade infrastructure in and around existing canyons throughout Canada. The fund is intended to support projects that improve safety and or mitigate the impacts.
Funding and resource support may include:
• Permanent or semi-permanent anchors
• Cleanup events and removal of human made hazards
• Trail maintenance, rerouting or decommissioning
• Outhouse facilities
• Log books or signage
2. To encourage new canyoning opportunities by providing funds or resources to support exploration or education in the context of Canyons in Canada.
• Discovery expeditions of new canyons
• Publications, articles and documents that highlight canyoning, conservation, environment and association goals
• Inspire the canyoning community
• Raise the profile of canyoning and the Canadian Canyoning Association
Application process
Applications will be considered by the executive of the Canadian Canyoning Association as a matter of business as per the association rules. Understand that not all applications will be approved and that some applications may only receive partial support.
The amount of money and resources available to the Fund each year will be determined by the executive, when considering the budget for the financial year. When the amount of funds applied for exceed the amount available, the money granted to new canyoning opportunities applicants will be limited to 25% of the available funds for that period.
The Infrastructure Fund is available to support projects organised by members of the Canadian Canyoning Association.
Funding and resources will typically be limited to non-personal materials such as bolts, hangars, construction materials and tools. Items such as ropes, transport, food and personal expenses will not be funded.
In exceptional circumstances, where projects on existing canyons require professional work, funding may be granted towards the costs of professional labour and other expenses.
• How much use the canyon receives
• The degree that safety is maintained or improved by the project
• The significance of the expedition
• The degree to which it will inspire the canyoning community
• How the expedition will raise the profile of the CCA For all applications
• The degree that impacts of canyoning activity are mitigated by the project
• The suitability of the applicant to successfully complete the project
• The approval of relevant land owners/managers to do the project
• The cost of the project, compared to the benefits
• How well this project aligns with good practice
• How well the project aligns with the strategic objectives of the CCA as decided by the executive.
Applications can be received at any time and will be considered in the order they are received. Applications must be made prior to placing anchors. However, in some circumstances, the CCA may consider retrospective applications. The aim of this is to encourage careful forward planning when installing anchors, but not to disadvantage canyon explorers and developers who may be unsure of the quality of a canyon before they explore it for the first time. If a canyon is worthy of being developed up to the permanent anchor standard of the CCA, then an application for developing the canyon may also include a request to fund the anchors already installed. Approval for retrospective funding for anchors which have already been installed will normally only be considered if the applicant also is applying for funds to bring the canyon up to permanent anchor standard. Funding will only be considered for already installed anchors which were placed within the previous or current canyoning season.
Applications will receive one of three responses.
1 Non-Approval
2 Approval
3 Approval with partial support and/or conditions
Unsuccessful applicants will be notified as soon as is practicable. The executive decision on any applications is final, and no further correspondence will be entered into once that decision has been made.
Successful applicants will be notified as soon as is practicable, with any conditions that must be met.
These conditions may include;
• That the project must be completed within a certain time frame
• The maximum amount of funds which will be offered
• Any other condition the executive requires
Reimbursement for actual costs, up to the maximum agreed, will be paid by the Treasurer to the applicant once;
• The project is completed to the agreed standard
• All conditions of the applications are met
• Appropriate receipts and/or invoices are provided
We are currently NOT accepting applications. Check in regularly for updates.